Double Dog Dare you!!!
EXIT has launched a new and exciting technology to help home shoppers like you!
I want to double dog dare you to try it out!!!!! It's super simple!
Drive or walk to one of my current listings;
906 15th St. Parkersburg
1319 Andrew St. Parkersburg
1329 16th St. Parkersburg
1115 E. 12th St. Parkersburg
If you happen to be CLOSE BY to one of those properties;
text to 85377 "LETSDREAMNOW" and your phone will instantly receive all of the specs, interior pictures, price information and more on that property AS WELL as others near by!
This little bit of technology means when you are near
ANY EXIT signs you should be able to retrieve INSTANT information on our listings BUT also others in the area!
Then you can text to 85377 "LETSDREAM" and download my electronic business card..text me for a private tour!!!
EASY PEASY!!! my double dog dare challenge and try it out!!! I would love to hear how it works out for you!!!